آرشیو مطالب 1394/page/4 | علی ناصری،شاعران جوان ایرانی،علی ناصری شاعر،اشعارعاشقانه جدید - صفحه 4

سلفژدرموسیقی چیست؟

سلفژ در موسیقی چیست؟
سلفژ (به فرانسوی: Solfège) در موسیقی، تکنیکی آموزشی برای آواز خوانی است که در آن هر نت میزان با سیلاب خاصی که سیلاب سلفژ ( یا سلافا سیلاب) نامیده می‌شود، خوانده می‌شوند. هفت سیلاب که عملاً استفاده می‌شوند عبارت‌اند از:دو، ر، می، فا، سل، لا، سی (یا تی).
برای سلفژ تعاریف متعددی بیان می‌شود، سلفژ را می توان خواندن یک سری نت ها به صورت پی در پی و پشت سر هم و با رعایت قوانین نت ها و سکوت ها و … معرفی کرد. پایه ی یادگیری سلفژ دانستن ارزش زمانی هر نت است و در کنار این باید ارزش زمانی هر سکوت را نیز بدانیم.

تقسیمات صدای انسان
۱- سوپرانو :صدای زیر زنانه
۲-متسو سوپرانو : صدای متوسط زنانه
۳-کنترالتو : صدای بم زنانه
۴- تنور : صدای زیر مردانه
۵- باریتون : صدای بم یا صدای متوسط مردانه
۶- باس : صدای بم مردانه و بهترین صدای مردانه
علم سلفژ در موسیقی
به طور خلاصه؛ خواندن و نوشتن نتهای موسیقی را که اغلب با آموزش تئوریک همراه است « سلفژ » می گوییم. ۳ رکن اساسی را می توان در آن تفکیک نمود که عبارتند از: خواندن ( نت خوانی ) نوشتن ( دیکته موسیقی) تئوری موسیقی که مفهوم سلفژ را می توان به مورد اول نزدیکتر دانست.سلفژ از دروس مهم و همیشگی هنرستان ها، دانشگاه ها و کنسرواتورهای موسیقی دنیا می باشد و تمام نوازندگان، خوانندگان، آهنگسازان، تنظیم کنندگان موسیقی و رهبران ارکستر و تمام فعالان عرصه موسیقی باید تسلط کامل بر روی این درس داشته باشند.

در سلفژ سه مبحث به طور متناوب و جداگانه آموزش داده می شوند:
- صدا خوانی (به ایتالیایی: CANTATI) (کانتاتی)
- وزن خوانی (به ایتالیایی: PARLATI ) (پارلاتی)
- دیکته موسیقی (به انگلیسی: MUSIC DICTATION)

۱- کانتاتی CANTATI :
کانتاتی به معنی خواندن صدا و فرکانس نت ها به شکل صحیح و دقیق است. دراین درس هنرجو این توانایی را پیدا می کند که صدای هر نت دقیقا آن گونه که هست بخواند. یعنی به طوری که اگر نت دو به همراه پیانو خوانده شود، صدایی که از حنجره فرد خارج می شود دقیقا با پیانو یکسان است. در نهایت هنرجو در این درس توانایی خواندن انواع نت را به طور دقیق و در گام های مختلف پیدا می کند.

۲- پارلاتی PARLATI (وزن خوانی):
جهان را ریتم به نظم کشیده و موسیقی بدون ریتم حکم نقاشی بدون قلم و رنگ رو دارد.از این رو مطالعه ی انواع وزن ها و الگوهایی ریتمی برای هر علاقه مند به موسیقی بسیار مهم و ضروری می باشد. وزن خوانی(پارلاتی) در واقه همان خواندن کشش نت هاست.

۳-دیکته موسیقی MUSIC DICTATION:
در دیکته، دیکته ریتم و دیکته صدا به طور متناوب کار می شود و هنر جو با ممارست و تمرین فراوان توانایی نوشتن نت موسیقی که می شنود را پیدا می کند.

فروش شعر پاپ ورپ اینجا کلیک کنید
چگونه صدای خوبی داشته باشیم اینجا کلیک کنید
شاعر خوب کسیت اینجا کلیک کنید
فروش نت کیبورد ارگ اینجا کلیک کنید

موضوعات: آموزش موسیقی,
بازدید : 3661امتیاز :3

شاعرخوب کیست؟

شاعرخوب کیست؟
شاعر از زبان نظامی عروضی
اما شاعر باید که سلیم الفطره [پاک سرشت ] ، عظیم الفکره [بزرگ اندیشه] ، صحیح الطبّع [درست قریحه] ، جیدّ الرویه [نیکو تفکر] ، دقیق النظر [باریک بین] باشد.
در انواع علوم متنوع باشد و در اطراف رسوم مستطرف [از استطراف نو پیدا کردن ، خوش کردن و شگفت داشتن]، زیرا چنانکه شعر در هر علمی به کار همی شود هر علمی در شعر به کار همی شود.
و شاعر باید که در مجلس محاورت خوشگوی بود و در مجلس معاشرت خوشروی.
و باید که شعر او بدان درجه رسیده باشد که در صحیفه ی روزگار مسطور باشد و بر السنه ی احرار مقروء. [یعنی مردمان شعرش را حفظ کنند و بخوانند] بر سفائن [دفتر ها همین مجلات خودما! ] بنویسند ودر مدائن بخوانند [احتمالا جمع مدینه مد نظر بوده یعنی شهر ها]؛ که حظ اوفر و قسم افضل از شعر بقاء اسم است و تا مسطور و مقروء نباشد این معنی بحاصل نیاید [ یعنی کیف زیاد ! شاعری بیشتر بخاطر ماندگار شدن نام شاعر است پس اگر شعرش را مردم نخوانند که نامش در اذهان نمی ماند.( می گویم واقعا "حظ اوفر" شاعری به شهرت آن است؟؟!)]
و چون شعر بدین، درجه نباشد تأثیر او را اثر نبود و پیش از خداوند [ منظور شاعر شعر است ] خود بمیرد، و چون او را در بقاء خویش اثری نیست در بقاء اسم دیگری چه اثر باشد؟
اما شاعر بدین درجه نرسد الا که درعنفوان شباب و در روزگار جوانی بیست هزار بیت از اشعار متقدمان یاد گیرد، و ده هزار کلمه از آثار متأخران پیش چشم کند،[ بله؟؟ 20000 بیت از قدما باید از حفظ باشد و 10000 بیت از معاصرین را خوانده باشد؟ یعنی راهی جز این نیست که ما شاعر بشویم؟! ] و پیوسته دواوین استادان همی خوانند و یاد همی گیرد که در آمد و بیرون شد ایشان از مضایق و دقایق سخن بر چه وجه بوده است [ مدام دیوان اشعار قدما را بخواند و ببیند که چگونه مضامین سخت را در قید وزن و قافیه گرفتار می کردند خلاصه از روی دست آنها نگاه کند تا بیاموزد]، تا طرق و انواع شعر در طبع او مرتسم [ نقش پذیرد]شود و عیب و هنر شعر بر صحیفه ی خرد او منقش گردد، [ کنایه از اینکه آنقدر مطالعه کند تا خود صاحب رای شود و خوب و بد شعر را تشخیص دهد ] تا سخنش روی در ترقی دارد و طبعش به جانب علو میل کند.
هر کرا طبع در نظم شعر راسخ شد و سخنش هموار گشت روی به علم شعر آرد و عروض بخواند،[ از نظر نظامی عروضی بعد از این همه ریاضت تازه در این مرحله است که فرد باید عروض یا علم وزن شعر را که ما در دبیرستان می آموزیم ، بیاموزد ] و گرد تصانیف استاد ابوالحسن السرخسی البهرامی گردد چون غایة العروضین و کنزالقافیه، و نقد معانی و نقد الفاظ و سرقات و تراجم.
و انواع این علوم بخواند بر ِ استادی [ نزد استادی که این علوم را می داند] که آن داند، تا نام استادی را سزاوار شود، و اسم او در صحیفه ی روزگار پدید آید، تا آنچه از مخدوم و ممدوح بستاند حق آن بتواند گزارد در بقاء اسم.[ چون شاعری در زمان نظامی عروضی یعنی قرن ششم بیشتر حول مدح و قصیده بوده است او می گوید شاعر باید چنان خوب بار بیاید که در ازای پولی که می گیرد بتواند نام ممدوح را باقی نگه دارد]
و اما بر پادشاه واجب است که چنین شاعر را تربیت کند تا در خدمت او پدیدار آید و نام او از مدحت او هویدا شود، اما اگر ازین درجه کم باشد نشاید بدوسیم ضایع کردن [ اگر ازین کمتر بود پولت را حرامش نکن!] و به شعر او التفات نمودن خاصه که پیر بود، و درین باب تفحص کرده ام، در کل عالم از شاعر پیر بدتر نیافته ام، و هیچ سیم ضایع تر از آن نیست که به وی دهند.[ هیچ پولی این قدر حیف نمی شود که پول صله به شاعر پیر دادن!!]
ناجوانمردی[ یعنی پیر مرد نه نامرد!] که به پنجاه سال ندانسته باشد که آنچه من همی گویم بد است [ پیر مردی که در 50 سال! نفهمیده که آنچه می گوید شعر بدی است ] کی بخواهد دانستن؟ اما اگر جوانی بود که طبع راست دارد، اگر چه شعرش نیک نباشد، امید بود که نیک شود و در شریعت آزادگی تربیت او واجب باشد و تعهد او فریضه و تفقد او لازم.
اما در خدمت پادشاه هیچ بهتر از بدیهه گفتن نیست که به بدیهه طبع پادشاه خرم شود و مجلسها بر افروزد، و شاعر به مقصود رسد، و آن اقبال که رودکی در آل سامان دید به بدیهه گفتن و "زود شعری " ، کس ندیده است...

فروش شعر پاپ ورپ اینجا کلیک کنید
سلفژ درموسیقی چیست اینجا کلیک کنید
چگونه صدای خوبی داشته باشیم اینجا کلیک کنید
فروش نت کیبورد ارگ اینجا کلیک کنید

موضوعات: آموزش موسیقی,
بازدید : 4057امتیاز :3

Iranian Zoroastrian Persian name

Avestan Personal and Family names

(Based on C. Bartholomae, Altiranisches Wörterbuch, pg. 1983-88)

(m) An ashavan, son of Mayu. Cf. yt13.123.
(m) an adversary of Keresasp. Cf. yt15.28.
aêvô-sared [Aevo-saredha-fyaeshta]
Father of Thrit 'of the Tanya land'. Cf. yt13.125.
'the demi-man'. An ashavan. Cf. yt13.131.
ahûm-stût [Ahum-stut]
(m) Father of Saena. Cf. yt13.97.
ainyâva [Ainyu]
Father of Vivare-shvant. Cf. yt13.122. (2) (m) Father of Vohu-peresa. Cf. yt13.124.
aipi-vanghav [Aipivanghu]
An ashavan and king. Cf. yt13.132.
airyâva [Airyu]
Father of Manuschithra (Minochehr). Cf. yt13.131.
âithwyav [Athwyoza]
(m) Father of Neremyazdana. Cf. yt13.110.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.117.
An ashavan 'of the Pidha house'. Cf. yt13.127.
amrav [Amru]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.109.
anghuyav [Anghuyu]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.118.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.124.
(m) Father of Avare-gau. Cf. yt13.125.
An ashavan, son of Pouru-jira. Cf. yt13.131.
(m) Father of Berezishnu and Kasupatu. Cf. yt13.110.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.124.
arejahvant [Arejan-ghant]
A Turanian ashavan. Cf. yt13.113.
(m) Adversary of Kavi Vishtaspa. Yt9.30, yt5.109; yt5.116.
arejavan [Arejaona]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.117.
arenavak [Arezva]
(m) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.115.
(m) Adversary of Keresaspa. Cf. yt19.42.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.132.
arshavant [Arshvant]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.109.
An ashavan, the chief in assemblies, the most energetic of the worshippers of Mazda. Cf. yt13.108.
(m) See OP list.
Name of a Turanian family. Cf. yt5.73.
(f) An ashavan, wide of Pourudhakhsti. Cf. yt13.140.
asan-xvanvant [Asan-hvanvant]
an Ashavan. Cf. yt13.96.
An ashavan 'of this country'. Cf. yt13.127.
An ashavan, son of Gayadhasti. Cf. yt13.114.
ashâhura [Ashahura]
(m) An ashavan, son of Jishti. Cf. yt13.113.
ashasairyank [Asha-sairyach]
Father of Asha-saredha. Cf. yt13.114.
ashasaredha [Asha-saredha]
(1) (m) An ashavan, the son of Asha-sairyach. Cf. yt13.114. (2) (m) An ashavan, the son of Zairyach. Cf. yt13.114.
ashasavah [Asha-savah]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.116.
ashastû [Asha-stu]
(m) An ashavan, son of Maidhyo-maungha. Cf. yt13.106.
(m) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.116.
ashâvanghav [Asha-vanghu]
(m) An ashavan, son of Bivandangha. Cf. yt13.110.
ashavazdah [Asha-vazdah]
(1) (m) An ashavan, son of Pouru-dhakhshti. Cf. yt13.112. (2) (m) An ashavan, son of Sayuzhdri. Cf. yt13.113.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.120.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.120.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.120.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.117.
ashô-raochah [Asho-raochah]
(m) An ashavan, son of Franya. Cf. yt13.97.
(m) Adversary of Vishtaspa. Cf. yt9.30.
(m) Adversary of Keresaspa. Cf. yt15.28.
asmô-xvanvant [Asmo-hvanvant]
An ashavan, Cf. yt13.96.
(m) See OP list.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.116.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.125.
(m) The Saoshyant (Savior), last of the three Saoshyants, sons of Zarathushtra, who will be conceived miraculously from seed preserved in lake Kasaoya. Cf. yt13.110, yt13.117, yt13.128-129, yt19.92, yt19.45.
âterechithra, âtre-chithra [Atare-chithra]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.102.
âteredainghav [Atare-danghu]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.102.
âterepâta [Atare-pata]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.102.
âteresravah [Atare-savah]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.102.
âterevanush [Atare-vanu]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.102.
âterexvarenah [Atare-hvarenah]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.102.
âterezantav, âtre-zantav [Atare-zantu]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.102.
(m) Father of Thraetaona. Cf. y9.7.
âtre-dâta, âteredâta [Atare-data]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.102.
See âteredainghav.
(m) Adversary of Haosravah. Cf. yt15.31f.
aurvat-aspa [Phl. Lohrasp]
a king of ancient Iran, father of Kavi Vishtaspa
avâraoshtrî [Avaraoshtri]
An ashavan, father of Vohu-nemah. Cf. yt13.103, 104.
avaregav [Avare-gau]
(m) An ashavan, son of Aoikhmatastura. Cf. yt13.125.
(m) An ashavan, son of Rastare-vaghant. Cf. yt13.106.
An ashavan, son of Spengha. Cf. yt13.123.
ãxnangha [Akhnangha]
Father of Vohushtra. Cf. yt13.122.
âxrûra [Axrura]
An ashavan, son of Haosravah. Cf. yt13.137.
(m) Sorcerer and adversary of Yoishta. Yt5.82. See also Yavish-i Fryana
ayô-astay [Ayo-asti]
(m) An ashavan, son of Pouru-dhakhshti. Cf. yt13.112.
âyûta [Ayuta]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.118.
âzâta [Azata]
(m) An ashavan, son of Karesna. Cf. yt13.108.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.125.
bångha [Baungha]
(m) An ashavan, son of Saunghangha. Cf. yt13.124.
(m) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.121.
bastavaray [Basta-vairi]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.103.
Adversary of Zarathushtra. Cf. y49.1-2.
(m) Father of Frachithra. Cf. yt13.124.
berezishnav [Berezishnu]
(m) An ashavan, son of Ara. Cf. yt13.110.
berezyarshtay [Berezyarshti]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.101.
An ashavan, father of Asha-vanghu. Cf. yt13.110.
budhra [Bujra]
An ashavan, son of Dazgaraspa. Cf. yt13.106.
bûjisravah [Bujisravah]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.101.
An ashavan king. Cf. yt13.132.
chamrav [Chamru]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.109.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.122.
châxshnay [Chakhshni]
(m) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.114.
dångha [Daungha]
(m) An ashavan, son of Zairita. Cf. yt13.98.
daênâvazah [Daeno-vazah]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.117.
daêvo-tbish [Daevo-tbish ('daeva-hater')]
(m) An ashavan, son of Takhma. Cf. yt13.98.
dahâka [Azi Dahaka, Pers. Zohak]
(m) mythical tyrant
dainghufrâdah [Danghu-fradhah]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.116.
danghu-srûta [Danghu-sruta]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.116.
dârayat-radha [Darayat-ratha]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.108.
(m) A Daeva-worshipper, adversary of Vishtaspa. Cf. yt9.30.
dâshtâghnay [Dashtaghni]
(m) Father of Paro-dasma of the Muzha land. Cf. yt13.124.
(m) Adversary of Keresaspa. Cf. yt19.41.
dawrâmaêshî [Dawra-maeshi]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.122.
Father of Bujra. Cf. yt13.106.
dâzgrô-gav [Dazgara-gau]
An ashavan 'of the Apakhshira country'. Cf. yt13.127.
drâdha [Dratha]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.109.
(f) Wife of Pourushaspa and mother of Zarathushtra. Cf. FrD4.
(m) One of the unfaithful. Cf. yt5.73.
(m) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.119.
(f) An ashavan, 'holy maid', mother of the future Saoshyant (savior) Astvat-ereta. called 'Vispa-taurvari ('the all-destroying') because she will bring him forth, who will destroy the malice of Daevas and men, to withstand the evil done by the Jahi. Cf. yt13.142.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.119.
erezavant dainghêush [Erezvat-danghu]
(m) Father of Aravaoshtra. Cf. yt13.124.
(m) An ashavan, son of Uspasnu. Cf. yt13.121.
(m) An ashavan, son of Berezvant. Cf. yt13.124.
frâchya [Frachya]
(m) An ashavan, son of Taurvati. Cf. yt13.115.
frâdat-nar [Fradat-nara]
An ashavan, son of Gravaratu. Cf. yt13.122.
(m) An ashavan, son of Stivant. Cf. yt13.121.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.128.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.138.
(f) An ashavan, 'holy maid'. Cf. yt13.141.
frangrasyan [Pers. Afrasiyab]
A Turanian king who repeatedly attempted to overthrow the Iranians.
frânya [Franya]
(m) Father of Vohu-raochah, Asho-raochah, and Varesmo-raochah. Cf. yt13.97.
An ashavan, son of Kaosha. Cf. yt13.122.
frârayat-radha [Frayat-ratha]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.108.
frârâzay [Frarazi]
An ashavan, son of Tura. Cf. yt13.123.
frash-hãm-vareta [Frash-ham-vareta]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.102.
frashaoshtra-, ferashaoshtra [Frashaoshtra]
Son of Hvova, father of Hushyaothna and Hvadaena. Cf. yt13.103, 104.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.109.
frasho-kara [Frasho-kareta]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.102.
frasrûtar [Frasrutara]
(m) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.121.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.125.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.117.
frâyaodha [Frayaodha]
(m) An ashavan, son of Karesna. Cf. yt13.108.
frâyazenta [Fraya-zanta]
(m) An ashavan, father of Frena and Jaro-vanghu. Cf. yt13.113. Father-in-law of Freni. Cf. yt13.140.
frênah [Frenah]
(m) An ashavan, son of Fraya-zanta. Cf. yt13.113.
frênay [Freni]
(f) The eldest daughter of Zarathushtra; (2) An ashavan, wife of Usenemah; (3) An ashavan, wife of the son of Frayazanta;(4) An ashavan, wife of the son of Khshoiwraspa; (5) An ashavan, wife of Gayadhasti. Cf. yt13.139, 140.
frînâspa [Frinaspa]
An ashavan, son of Kaeva. Cf. yt13.122.
An ashavan, son of Merezishmya, 'of the Saena house'. Cf. yt13.126.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.110; yt13.119.
Ancestor of Yoishta. Cf. yt13.120.
gaêvanay [Gaevani]
(m) An ashavan, the son of Vohu-nemah. Cf. yt13.115.
Father of Parshanta. Cf. yt13.123.
(m) An ashavan, the son of Zavan and 'a Raoshdya man of the Raozhdya land.'. Cf. yt13.125.
gaopivanghav [Gaopi-vanghu]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.111.
gaoray [Gauri]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.118.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.118.
a heretic. Cf. Yt13.16.
An ashavan, son of Kavi. Cf. yt13.123.
An ashavan, cf. yt13.96.
gaya-maretan [Pahl. Gayomard]
(m) mythical first man
gayadhâstay [Gaya-dhasti]
(m) An ashavan, son of Pouru-dhakhshti. Cf. yt13.112.
gravâratav [Gravaratu]
(m) Father of Fradat-nara. Cf. yt13.122.
hãm-baretar vanghvãm
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.111.
habâspa [Habaspa]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.102.
hanghaurvah [Hanghaurvaungh]
(m) An ashavan, son of Jamaspa, and father of Varshna. Cf. yt13.104.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.116.
haoshyangha [Haoshanha, Pers. Hooshang]
mythological ruler in ancient Iran, founder of the Peshdadian dynasty. He is credited with the discovery of fire. Cf. yt13.137.
haosravah [Kavi Haosravah, Phl. Kay Khosraw]
a Kayanian king, grandson of Kavi Usan. Cf. yt13.132. Father of Axtura. Cf. yt13.137.
haredhâspa [Hare-dhaspa]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.117.
(f) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.141.
An ashavan 'of the Kahrkana house'. Cf. yt13.127.
hugav [Hugau]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.118.
(f) A ashavan, daughter of king Vishtaspa. Cf. yt9.29ff, yt13.139.
hushyaothna [Hushyaothna]
An ashavan, son of Frashaoshtra. Cf. yt13.103, yt13.104.
hutaosâ [Hutaosa]
(f) Wife of Jamaspa. Cf. yt9.26, yt13.139, yt15.35.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.117.
(m) An ashavan, son of Frashaoshtra. Cf. yt13.104.
(m) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.121. An ashavan. Cf. yt13.128.
(m) son of Zarathushtra. Cf. yt13.98.
(f) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.141.
hvarez [Hvareza]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.124.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.122.
hvô-gva, hvôva [Hvova]
(m) Father of Frashaoshtra and Jamaspa. Cf. yt13.103.
hvôvî [Hvovi]
(f) the third wife of Zarathushtra, daughter of Frashaostra. Cf. yt13.139, yt16.15.
isat-vâstra [Pahl. Isadvastar]
(m) son of Zarathushtra. Cf. yt13.98.
isvant [Isvat]
(m) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.96.
(f) An ashavan, 'holy maid'. Cf. yt13.141.
jâmâspa, dêjâmâspa [Jamaspa, Phl. Jamasp]
an early hero of the Zoroastrian religion. He was son of Hvova and King Vishtaspa's Prime Minister, and the son-in-law of Zarathushtra. Father of Hanghaurvaungh. (2) Jamaspa 'the younger': an ashavan. Cf. yt13.127.
jannara [Janara]
(m) Father of Varesmapa. Cf. yt13.115.
jarô-danghav [Jaro-danghu]
(m) An ashavan, son of Pairishtira. Cf. yt13.110.
jarô-vanghav [Jaro-vanghu]
(m) An ashavan, son of Fraya-zanta. Cf. yt13.113.
jîshtay [Jishti]
(m) Father of Ashahura. Cf. yt13.113.
kaêva [Kaeva]
(m) Father of Frinaspa. Cf. yt13.122.
(f) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.141.
(m) Father of Fraoraosa. Cf. yt13.122.
karsna [Karesna]
(m) An ashavan, son of Zbaurvant, father of Viraspa, Azata, and Frayaodha. Cf. yt13.106, 108.
kasupitav [Kasupatu]
(m) An ashavan, son of Ara. Cf. yt13.110.
kâta [Kata]
(m) Father of Vohu-data. Cf. yt13.124.
katav [Katu]
(m) Father of Vohu-nemah and Vohu-vazdah. Cf. yt13.114.
kavârasman [Kava-razem]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.103.
kavâta [Kavi Kavata, Pers. Kay Kobad]
(m) king, founder of the Kayanian dynasty. Cf. yt13.132.
kavay [Kavi]
(1) (m) Father of Pourushti. Cf. yt13.114. (2) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.119. (3) Father of Garshta. Cf. yt13.123.
keresaoxshan [Keresaokhshan]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.101.
keresâspa [Keresaspa, Pahl. Kersasp]
(m) a king of ancient Iran. Called 'the Sama'. Cf. yt13.136.
keresavazdah [Pers. Garsivaz]
(m) brother of Afrasiyab
mãzdrâvanghav [Mazdra-vanghu]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.118.
maidyôi-mångha, maidhyôi-mångha [Maidhyo-maungha]
(m) Father of Asha-stu. Cf. yt13.106. (2) Maidhyo-maungha 'the younger: an ashavan. Cf. yt13.127.
manush-chithra [Manuschithra, Pers. Minochehr]
a king of ancient Iran. Son of Airyu. Cf. yt13.131.
Father of Frohakafra. Cf. yt13.126.
mathravâka [Mathravaka]
(1) (m) An ashavan, the son of Simaezhi, the Aethrapati, the Hamidhpati. Cf. yt13.105. (2) (m) Father of Vahmae-data. Cf. yt13.115.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.116.
mayava [Mayu]
Father of Aetava. Cf. yt13.123.
(m) ('Mazda-worshipper') Father of Usadhan. Cf. yt13.121.
nanarâstay [Nanarasti]
(m) An ashavan, the son of Paeshatah. Cf. yt13.115.
(m) father of Vistauru
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.102.
nemô-vanghav [Nemo-Vanghu]
(m) An ashavan, son of Vaedhayangha. Cf. yt13.109.
(m) An ashavan, son of Athwyoza. Cf. yt13.110.
(f) An ashavan, 'holy maid'. Cf. yt13.141.
paêshatah [Paeshata]
(1) (m) Father of Usmanara. Cf. yt13.97. (2) (m) Father of Nanarasti and Zarazdati. Cf. yt13.115. (3) (m) Paeshatah Paitisrira: Father of Usmanara. Cf. yt13.120
paiti-drâdha [Paiti-dratha]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.109.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.109.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.109.
(m) An ashavan, son of Dashtaghni, and 'a Muzha man of the Muzha land'. Cf. yt13.125.
parshat-gav [Parshat-gaush]
(m) An ashavan, son of Frata. Cf. yt13.96. (2) An ashavan 'of the Apakhshira country'. Cf. yt13.127.
parshinta [Parshanta]
An ashavan, son of Gandarewa. Cf. yt13.123.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.116.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.117.
pereididhaya [Fradhidaya]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.97.
perethvafsman [Perethu-afzem]
Father of Varesmo-raochah. Cf. yt13.126.
perethvarshtay [Perethu-arshti]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.101.
peshô-tanû [Pesho-tanu, Pers. Peshotan]
(m) early hero of Zoroastrianism, son of Kavi Vishtaspa.
pishi-shyaothna [Pishishyaothana]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.103.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.132.
(m) An ashavan, son of Zaosha. Cf. yt13.124.
(f) The third and youngest daughter of Zarathushtra, given in marriage to Jamaspa. Cf. y53.3, yt13.139.
pourudhâxshtay [Pouru-dhakhshti]
An ashavan, son of Khshtavaenya, and father of Ayo-asti, Vohv-asti, Gaya-dhasti, Asha-vazdah, and Urudhu. Cf. yt13.111-112. Husband of Asabana.
Father of Aoshnara. Cf. yt13.131.
pourushaspa [Paourushaspa, Phl. Pourushasp]
(m) father of Zarathushtra.
pourushtay [Pourushti]
(m) An ashavan, the son of Kavi. Cf. yt13.114.
raochas-chaêshman [Raochas-chaeshman]
(m) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.121. (2) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.128.
râshtare-vaghentî [Rastare-vaghant]
(m) Father of Avarethrabah. Cf. yt13.106.
Father of Stipi. Cf. yt13.123.
sånghangha [Saunghangha]
(m) Father of Baungha. Cf. yt13.124.
(m) Father of Ushtra. Cf. yt13.115.
(2) (m) An illustrious teacher; first to have 100 pupils. Cf. yt13.97.
saêna (3)
sâimuzhî [Simaezhi]
(m) father of Mathravaka. Cf. yt13.105.
sâma [Sama]
(m) father of the hero Keresaspa. Cf. Yt13.61.
saoshyant [Phl. Soshyant, Soshyos]
(m) the future World Savior
sâyuzhdrî [Sayuzhdri]
Father of Asha-vazda and Thrita. Cf. yt13.113.
skârayat-radha [Skarayat-ratha]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.108.
(m) Father of Vohvasti. Cf. yt13.96.
Father of Avahya. Cf. yt13.123.
spentô-xratav [Spento-khratu]
(m) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.115.
spentôdhâta [Spento-data]
A gallant ashavan. Cf. yt13.103.
spitay [Spiti]
(m) An ashavan, son of Uspasnu. Cf. yt13.121.
srîraoxshan [Sriraokhshan]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.101.
srîrâvanghav [Srira-vanghu]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.118.
(f) An ashavan, 'holy maid'. Cf. yt13.141.
srutô-spâdha [Sruta-spadha]
(m) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.115.
staotar vahishtahe ashahe
An ashavan, husband of Uxshenti. Cf. yt13.111, yt13.140.
stipay [Stipi]
An ashavan, son of Ravant. Cf. yt13.123.
(m) Father of Fradat-vanghu. Cf. yt13.121.
sûrô-yazata [Suro-yazata]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.118.
syâvarshan [Siyavarshan, Pers. Siyavush]
(m) A king of ancient Iran, father of Kavi Haosravah. Cf. yt13.132.
syâvaspî [Syavaspi]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.114.
taurvaêtay [Taurvati]
(m) Father of Frachya. Cf. yt13.115.
(m) Father of Daevo-tbis. Cf. yt13.98.
thraêtaona [Thraetaona, Pers. Faridoon]
(m) 'of the Athwya house.' Name of a heroic king of ancient Iran who flourished centuries before Zarathushtra. Cf. yt13.131.
(m) An ashavan, son of Spitama. Cf. yt13.98.
(m) An ashavan, the son of Aevo-saredha-fyaeshta, 'a Tanya man of the Tanya land.' Cf. yt13.125.
(m) An ashavan, son of Sayuzhdri. Cf. yt13.113.
thritî [Thriti]
(f) The second daughter of Zarathushtra. Cf. yt13.139, Bd32.5
tîrô-nakathwa [Tiro-nakathwa]
(m) An ashavan 'of the Uspaeshta-Saena house'. Cf. yt13.126.
tizhyarshtay [Tizyarshti]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.101.
(m) Father of Uzava. Cf. yt13.131.
tûra [Tura]
Father of Frarazi. Cf. yt13.123.
tûshnâmatay [Tushnamaiti]
(f) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.139.
urudhav [Urudhu]
(m) An ashavan, son of Pouru-dhakhshti. Cf. yt13.112.
(f) An ashavan, 'holy maid'. Cf. yt13.141.
(m) son of Zarathushtra. Cf. yt13.98. (2) Urvatat-nara 'the younger': an ashavan. Cf. yt13.127.
(m) An ashavan, son of Mazdayasna. Cf. yt13.121. (2) An ashavan king. Cf. yt13.132.
usan [Kavi Usan, Phl. Kay Kaus]
(m) a Kayanian king
(f) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.139.
ushtâzanta [Ushtazanta]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.116.
(m) An ashavan, son of Sadhanah. Cf. yt13.115.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.113; husband of Frena. Cf. yt13.140.
usmânar [Usmanara]
(m) An ashavan, son of Paeshata. Cf. yt13.97. (2) (m) An ashavan, son of Paeshatah Paitisrira. Cf. yt13.120
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.117.
uspãsnav [Uspasnu]
(m) Father of Spiti and Erezraspa. Cf. yt13.121.
utayutay [Utayuti Vit-kavi
An ashavan, son of Zighri, 'of the Saena house'. Cf. yt13.126.
An ashavan, son of the great Vidi-sravah, known afar. Cf. yt13.119.
(f) An ashavan, wife of Staotar-Vahishtahe-Ashyehe. Cf. yt13.140.
uxshyat-ereta [Phl. Ushedar]
(m) The first of the three saviors, sons of Zarathushtra, who will be conceived miraculously from seed preserved in lake Kasaoya.. Cf. yt13.128.
uxshyat-nemah [Phl. Ushedarmah]
(m) The second of the three saviors, sons of Zarathushtra, who will be conceived miraculously from seed preserved in lake Kasaoya.. Cf. yt13.128.
An ashavan, son of Tumaspa. Cf. yt13.131.
An ashavan, son of Vanghu-dhata. Cf. yt13.119.
(f) An ashavan, 'holy maid'. Cf. yt13.141.
vaêdhangha [Vaedhayangha]
(m) Father of Nemo-vanghu. Cf. yt13.109.
vaêsadha [Visadha]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.110.
vaêzhyarshtay [Vizhyarshti]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.101.
vâgerezan [Vagereza]
(m) Father of Varshni. Cf. yt13.115.
vahmaedhâta [Vahmae-data]
(m) An ashavan, son of Mathravaka. Cf. yt13.115.
vanâra [Vanara]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.101.
(f) An ashavan, 'holy maid'. Cf. yt13.142.
vanghudhâta [Vanghu-dhata]
An ashavan, son of Hvadhata and father of Uzya. Cf. yt13.119.
varâza [Varaza]
(m) Father of Isvat. Cf. yt13.96, yt13.101.
(m) Father of Vohu-raochah. Cf. yt13.113.
varesmapâ(y) [Varesmapa]
(m) An ashavan, the son of Janara. Cf. yt13.115.
varesmô-raochah [Varesmo-raochah]
(m) An ashavan, son of Franya. Cf. yt13.97. (2) An ashavan, son of Perethu-afzem. Cf. yt13.126.
varshna [Vareshna]
(m) An ashavan, son Hanghaurvaungh. Cf. yt13.104.
varshnay [Varshni]
(m) An ashavan, son of Vagereza. Cf. yt13.115.
vazhâspa [Vazhaspa]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.102.
vîdat-gav [Vidat-gau]
An ashavan 'of this country'. Cf. yt13.127.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.128.
vîdhisravah [Vidi-sravah]
'The great Vidi-sravah, known afar', father of Ukhshan. Cf. yt13.119.
vîrâspa [Viraspa]
(m) An ashavan, son of Karesna. Cf. yt13.108.
vishtâspa, vîshtâspa [Vishtaspa, Pahl. Vishtasp, Pers. Gushtasp]
king, patron of the prophet Zarathushtra
vîspa-thaurvô-ashtay [Vispa-taurvashi]
(f) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.139.
(m) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.121.
vîsrûtar [Visrutara]
(m) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.121.
vîstarav [Vistauru]
(m) An ashavan, son of Naotara. Cf. yt13.102.
(m) Father of Yima Khshaeta (Jamshed). Cf. yt13.130.
vivâreshva [Vivare-shvant]
An ashavan, son of Ainyu. Cf. yt13.122.
vohu-dâta [Vohu-data]
(m) An ashavan, son of Kata. Cf. yt13.124.
(1) (m) An ashavan, son of Avaraoshtri. Cf. yt13.104. (2) (m) An ashavan, son of Katu. Cf. yt13.114. (3) (m) Father of Gaevani. Cf. yt13.115.
(m) An ashavan, son of Ainyu. Cf. yt13.124.
vohuraochah [Vohu-raochah]
(1) (m) An ashavan, son of Franya. Cf. yt13.97. (2) (m) An ashavan, son of Varakasa. Cf. yt13.113.
An ashavan, son of Akhnangha. Cf. yt13.122.
vohvastay [Vohvasti, Vohv-asti]
(1) (m) An ashavan, son of Snaoya. Cf. yt13.96. (2) (m) An ashavan, son of Pouru-dhakhshti. Cf. yt13.112.
vohvazdah [Vohu-vazda]
(m) An ashavan, the son of Katu. Cf. yt13.114.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.128.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.128.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.109.
Father of Yaetush-gau. Cf. yt13.123.
xshathrô-chinah [Khshathro-chinah]
(m) An ashavan, son of Khshvoiwraspa. Cf. yt13.112.
xshtavay [Khshtavaenya]
(m) Father of Khshoi-wraspa. Cf. yt13.111.
xshviwrâspa [Khshoi-wraspa]
An ashavan, the son of Khshtavaenya, and father of Khshathro-chinah. Cf. yt13.111-112.
xvadhâta [Hvadhata]
Father of Vanghu-dhata. Cf. yt13.119.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.117.
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.117.
yaêtush-gav [Yaetush-gau]
An ashavan, son of Vyatana. Cf. yt13.123.
yima [Yima Khshaeta, Pers. Jamshed]
(m) a famous king of ancient Iran, son of Vivanghant. Cf. yt13.130; Vd2.
An ashavan, 'of the house of Fryana', challenged by the sorcerer Axtya with 99 questions. Cf. yt13.120, yt5.82. See also Yavisht-i Fryana
yuxtâspa [Yukhtaspa]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.114.
yuxtavaray [Yukhta-vairi]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.101.
zairi-varay [Zairi-vairi]
An ashavan. Cf. yt13.101.
zairichî [Zairichi]
(f) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.139.
(m) Father of Daungha. Cf. yt13.98.
zairyank [Zairyach]
(m) Father of Asha-saredha. Cf. yt13.114.
(m) Father of Pouru-bangha. Cf. yt13.124.
zarathushtra [Zarathushtra, Phl. Zarthosht, Greek Zoroaster]
(m) the prophet, founder of Zoroastrianism
(m) Father of Gaomant. Cf. yt13.125.
(m) An ashavan, father of Karesna. Cf. yt13.106.
Father of Utayuti Vit-kavi. Cf. yt13.126.
zrayangha [Zrayah]
(m) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.115.
zrazdâtay [Zarazdati]
(m) An ashavan, the son of Paeshatah. Cf. yt13.115.
Old Persian names

Based on Kent, Old Persian Grammar.

Achaemenes. See Haxâmanish.
a Babylonian]
Ardaxcashca (or -shda)
probably miswritten for Artaxerxes, q.v.
ally of Darius
Ariaramnes. See Ariyamna,
Ariyamna (Gk. Ariaramnes)
great-grandfather of Darius
Arsaces. See Arshaka
Arsames. See Arshâma.
Son of Artaxerxes III.
Arshaka. (Gk. Arsaces).
Arshâma (Gk. Arsames).
Persian king.
one of Darius's generals
Artaxerxes (Gk), Artaxshasa.
(I, son of Xerxes; II, son of Darius II; III, son of Artaxerxes II)
Son of Darius II.
[Arxa, Arkha.
An Armenian rebel]
an Elamite rebel]
Aspacanah (Gk Aspathines)
bow-bearer of Darius
[Atamaita, [U]mamaita.
An Elamite rebel]
father of Arsaces
A Persian, father of Hydarnes
Bagabuxsha (Gk. Megabyzus).
An ally of Darius.
Bardiya (Gk. Smerdis).
Brother of Cambyses
Cambyses. See Kambûjiya
Father of Martiya]
a Sagartian rebel]
Cishpi (Gk Teispes).
King of Elam about 610 B.C., ancestor of Cyrus and Darius.
Cyaxares. See Uvaxshtra.
Cyrus. See Kûru
(1) An Armenian, (2) a Persian, satrap of Bactria.
Dârayavahu (Gk. Darius).
(I, son of Hystaspen, king 522-486 B.C.; II, son of Artaxerxes I, king 426-04 B.C.)
Darius. See Dârayavahu.
Father of Megabyzus
A Margian rebel]
A Median rebel.
Gaubaruva (Gk. Gobryas).
Ally of Darius
Median pretender, enemy of Darius, who took the name of Smerdis.
Gobryas. See Gaubaruva.
An Armenian, father of Arkha]
Haxâmanish (Gk. Achaemenes).
Founder of the Achaemenian dynasty.
Hydarnes. See Vindarna.
Hystaspes. See Vishtâspa.
name assumed by the Elamite rebel Martiya]
Intaphernes. See Vindafarnah.
Kambûjiya (Gk. Cambyses).
(1) father of Cyrus the Great; (2) son of Cyrus the Great, king of Persia before Darius
Kûru (Gk. Cyrus).
Founder of the Persian Empire
Marduniya (Gk. Mardonius).
Father of Gobryas
A Susian rebel.]
Megabyzus. See Bagabuxsha.
[Nabukudracara (Nebuchadrezzar),
son of Nabonidus; name assumed by the rebels Nidintu-Bel and Arkha]
[Nabunaita (Gk Nabonidus).
Last king of the New Babylonian Empire, 556-39 B.C.]
A Babylonian]
Otanes. See Utana.
A Median rebel.
A Scythian rebel]
Smerdis. See Gaumâta, Bardiya
Son of Artaxerxes I,
One of Darius's generals
Teispes. See Cishpi.
Father of Otanes.
father of Âsina]
Utana (Gk. Otanes)
ally of Darius
(h)Uvaxshtra (Gk. Cyaxares),
former king of Media
Father of Ardumanish
Vahumisa (Gk. Vaumisa).
A Persian officer of Darius.
Uncertain word in Sd, probably a corrupt writing of a man's name.
A Persian rebel.
Vaumisa. See Vahumisa.
Father of Intaphernes
Vindafarnah (Gk. Intaphernes)
A Persian, ally of Darius.
Vindarna (Gk. Hydarnes).
A Persian, ally of Darius.
Vishtâspa (Gk. Hystaspes).
Father of Darius.
A Persian, satrap in Arachosia.
Xerxes. See Xshayârshan.
name assumed by the Median rebel Phraortes
Xshayârshan (Gk Xerxes).
Persian King.
Parsi names

From Dosabhai Framji Karaka, History of the Parsis I, London 1884. pp. 162-3. According to Karaka this is "an almost complete list of names of Parsi men and women in general use at present. Those of Hindu origin are marked with asterisks, and the rest are Persian names."

Names that are CAPITALIZED are from Parsiana's Book of Iranian Names. See also J. J. Modi, The Religious Ceremonies and Customs of the Parsees (Bombay, 1922, pp. 10-11).

Names of boys:

ABADAN: Prosperous

ABADARD: One who possesses prosperity

ABADI: Prosperity

ABARJA: Most strenuous

ABTUM: Creator of the plentiful waters

ADAR: Fire; name of an angel. Av. Atar, Pahl. Atur

ADARBAD: Protector of fire; name of a saint

ADARBAHRAM: Fire of success, victory

ADARBURZIN: Fire of exaltation; name of son of hero Framroz; shortened form of Adarburzinmeher

ADARBURZINMEHER: Fire of exalted love and affection; the third sacred fire of Sassanian Iran, that of husbandmen

ADARFIROZ: Fire of victory

ADARFRA: Fire of glory

ADARGUSHNASP: Fire dedicated to a war stallion; the second sacred fire of Sassanian Iran, that of warriors; an emblem of military strength


ADARHOSHANG: Fire of knowledge and intelligence


ADARKHORDAD: Fire of glory

ADARKHURSHID: Fire of the sun

ADARMAH: Month of Adar

ADARMARD: A man of power

ADARPADYAVAND: Fire of power

ADARVAN: Fire protector

ADEL: Just

ADRO: Most righteous

ADVI: Needing no protection

AFIVEH: Extremely good


AHUMSTUT: One who prays the Ahu(nvar) i.e. Yatha Ahu Vairyo

AHUN: Of God, pertaining to God

AIRYAMAN: Noble mind, name of an angel

AMARDAD: Immortality; Av. Ameretat; Pahl. Amurdad

AMAVAND: Powerful, strong

ANAOSHAK: Immortal

ANOSH: Immortal; elixir

ANOSHIRUVAN: Having an immortal soul

AORANG: Glory, honor

AOSHNAR: A man of intellect; Av. Aoshanara

ARASH: Truthfulness; righteousness; name of a famous archer of ancient Iran; Av. Erekhsha: Pahl. Arish

ARASTI: Adorned; name of Zarathushtra's uncle; father of Mediomah

ARAWAOSTRA: Possessing a white stallion

ARDAFRAVASH: Holy guardian spirit

ARDAKHOREH: Having holy lustre

ARDASHIR: Righteous ruler; Pahl. form of Av. Aretakhshathra

ARDAVIRAF: Holy resplendent hero


ARDVAN: Protector of holiness

ARMIN: A dweller of the garden of Eden; son of King Kobad

ARSHAK: Straightforward

ARSHAMA: Having the might of a hero


ARSHAVIR: Righteous hero

ARSHIS: Blessing

ARTA: Righteous

ARTAFARNIS: Havng holy glory

ARTAVARDIYA: Doer of justice, name of one of Darius' generals

ARTAWAHISHTA, ARDWAHISHT: Best holiness; one of the seven Amahraspands meaning archangels; Av. Asha Vahishta

ARVAND: Swift; brave, courageous; name of a mountain in old Iran; Av. Aurvant

ARYABURZIN: Exalted Iranian

ARYAMEHER: Aryan sun; sun amongst the Aryans

ARZANI: Worthy

ASDIN: Hope of religion

ASFANDIAR: Created by the holy spirit

ASHAVAHISHT: Best righteousness


ASHTAD: Rectitude; name of an angel

ASPANDAD: Bountiful humility, earth; name of an angel

ASPANDYAR: Bountiful friend; Av. Spentodator meaning bountiful

ASPANTAMAN: White one; family name of Zarathushtra. Av. Spitama

ASRAT: Third; Av. Thrita; father of hero Kersasp of the Sama family

ASTOH: Unconquerable

ATARS: Undaunted

ATBIN: Of water; name of the father of King Faridoon; Av. Athvyan

ATHRINA: Pertaining to fire

AURASHASPA: Possessing swift camels

AURVATASP: One having swift horses; name of the father of Vishtaspa

AYANGHAT: Made of iron

AZAD: Noble

AZADAFROZ: Shining nobly

AZADCHEHR: Of noble appearance

AZADMARD: Noble man

AZADSARV: Noble cypress

AZARKEVAN: Fire of Saturn; name of a famous dastur

AZARMIG: Endearing, honored, respected

AZARZUSHNES: Fire-like potency

AZMAN: Infinite

BABAK: Diminutive of father in Pers. Ancestor of Sassanian King Ardashir; Pahl. Papak

BAGHODAT: Created by God

BAHADUR: Valiant

BAHMAN: Good mind

BAHMANYAR: Having a friend with a good mind

BAHMARD: Good man

BAHRAM: Victorious; name of an angel. Av. Verethraghna

BAHRAMCHOBIN: Having a victorious club; name of a celebrated Iranian general

BAHRAMDAD: Created by victory

BAHRAMGOR: Sassanian King Bahram, famous for extraordinary skill in shooting gor i.e. wild ass

BAHRAMIAN: Descended from the family of Bahram

BAKHTAFRID: Blessed by fortune

BAKHTAFRIT: Blessed by fortune

BAKHTYAR: Friend of fortune

BALASH: Name of a king; another form of Valakhsh



BAMSHAD: Pleasant dawn


BARAZ: Exalted


BARMAN: High minded

BARZU, BURJOR: Exalted: Av. Berezat, name of an angel; name of grandson of hero Rustam

BASTAVAR, BASTUR: Name of a famous hero; Av. Bastavairi one who wears a tight armor round his chest; name of Zarir's son and King Gushtasp's nephew

BEHBUD: Good leader

BEHRUZ: Good day

BEHZAD: Born of good family




BEZAN: Name of the son of Banugushnasp the brave daughter of hero Rustam



BOKHTAR: Redeemer, saviour

BOKHTAR: Reliever of all troubles

BORJIS: Exaltation

BUNDAR: With a noble lineage

BURZAFRAH: Having exalted glory

BURZAFRID: One who is exalted

BURZASP: Having tall stallions

BURZIN: Exalted

BURZINCHEHER: With an exalted face

BURZINKURUSH: Exalted sun, name of a teacher of Zarathushtra

BURZINMEHER, BUZARGMEHER: Exalted love, great friendship

CHAKHRAVAT: Having a chariot

CHAXSHNUSH: Rejoicing; name of Zarathushtra's ancestor

CHEHERAZAD: Of noble countenance

CHUBIN: Having a wooden mace, club, or bat; nickname of the famous General Bahram of King Khusru Parvez who used a wooden club

DAD: Law, justice; name of a pious dastur

Dadabhai, Dadi*

DADAFARIN: Created by justice

DADAR: Creator

DADBANDAD: Law-conforming

DADBURZIN: Exalted by law

DADFARUK: Shining by law

DADFIRUZ: Victorious by law


DADMEHER: Just law

DAENOVAJANGH: Religious force


DANESHVAR: Possessing knowledge, learned

DARA, DARAB, DARABSHAH, DARASHAH: Name of a king, shah being an honorific


DARAYUS, DARIUS, DARYUS: Possessing goodness; Cun. Darayavahu. name of the famous Achaemenian king

DARAZDAST: Long-handed; King Artaxerxes Longimanus was thus called

DASTAN: Strong, powerful; another name for Zal, father of Rustam

DAVRAMESHI: Having stout sheep

DEHMEHER: Friend of village

DELAFRUZ: Kindler of the heart

DELAWAR: Liberal, charitable

DELIR: Brave

DELSUZ: Sympathetic

Dhanjibhai, Dhanjisha*

DINPANAH: Having protection of the religion


DINSHAH: Lord of religion

DINYAR: Friend of religion

DIVBAND: Binder of demons



DRAVASP: Having healthy horses; name of an angel to whom Yasht IX (Gosh) is dedicated


EMET: Hope

ERACH: Noble: name of the youngest son of King Faridoon

Erachji, Erachsha

EREZWAND, EREZWA: Righteous, holy


FARAVINDAD: Obtaining glory

FARDAD: Endowed with splendor


FAREDUN, FARIDOON: Pahl. Fretan; Av. Thraeraona meaning thrice strong: famous king of Iran, who killed Zohak

FARHAD: Cutter of stones; name of an Iranian who, to win his beloved Queen Shirin, dug through an immense mountain

FARIBURZ: Exalted glory

FARKHAN, FARKHANEH: Behaving with propriety

FARNBAG: God's glory: the first sacred Fire of Sassanian Iran, that of priests and noblemen

FARROKH: Auspicious, blessed, happy

FARROKHAN: Glorious, having glory

FARROKHBAKHSH: Bestower of joy, happiness

FARROKHBONDAD: Having a happy family

FARROKHHORMAZD: Prosperous Ohrmazd

FARROKHMARD: Happy, prosperous man

FARROKHNEZAD: Of blessed purity


FARROKHZAD, FARKHOZAD: Auspiciously born

FARSAK: Father of all progress

FARUD: Descent; name of the brother of King Kay-Khosraw

FARZAN: Wise, learned

FEROZGAR: The triumphant

FIRDOUS: Paradise

FIRDOUSI: Belonging to Paradise; nom de plume of the greatest poet of Iran

Firozji, Firozsha

FRAHIMRAWA: Exalted soul

FRAHISRVA: Celebrated

FRAMARZ, FARAMROZE: Merciful: name of the son of hero Rustam. His exploits are narrated in Borzu Nameh and Framarz Nameh

Framji, Framroz

FRASHAOSHTRA: Having useful camels; name of a believer; brother of Jamasp, of the Hvogva family

FRASHAVARD: Name of a son of King Gushtasp killed in battle with Arjasp Av. Frash-ham-vareta

FRAVAK: Forthright speaker; name of the father of King Hoshang and son of Siamak

FREORTIS: Farvardin; name of the first month

GAODHASTI: One who maintains animals

GASHTAHAM: Very strong; name of the valiant son of King Naodar

GAUBRUVA: Cun. name of a Persian companion of Darius

GAVE, GEV: Name of the son of Gudarz, and the husband of Banugushnasp, the brave daughter of Rustam

GAYOMARD: Mortal life; name of the progenitor of the Aryans

GELSHAH: King of the earth; another name of Gayomard

GERAMIG: Dear; treasured; name of one of the generals of King Gushtasp


GIRA: Supreme control

GOBERU: Cattle nourisher; name of the Zoroastrian ruling dynasty of Tabaristan


GORAZE: One who organizes; Av. Varaze, name of an Iranian hero; brother of King Gushtasp

GOSHNJAM: Powerful river Jam; name of the father of Dastur Manushchehr

GOVAD: Name of an angel presiding over wind; name of 22nd day of each month

GUDARZ, GODREJ: Father of Gev, a wise counsellor at the court of Iran

GUSHNASP: Possessing a stallion

GUSHTAHM: Of a strong family

GUSHTASP: Having a ready horse; Av. Vishtaspa. Greek Hystaspis; Kayanian patron king of Zarathushtra


HABUB: Having good animals or cows: Av. Hvogva, family name of Jamasp

HAECHATASPA: One who sprinkles water on horses; fourth ancestor of Zarathushtra: family name of Zarathushtra

HAFTANBAD: Made prosperous by seven Archangels or planets (?)

HAKHAMANISH: Friendly mind: name of the fifth ancestor of Darius the Great, after whom the Achaemenian dynasty was named

HARDAR: Eighth linear ancestor of Zarathushtra

HARDARASHNA: Seventh ancestor of Zarathushtra


Hirji, Hirjibhai*

HOM: Name of an angel; name of a sacred medicinal plant

HOMA: Name of a bird of Iran

HOMFRASHMI: Foremost Hom; name of a pious man who caught Afrasiab in his noose and handed him over to Kay-Khosraw


HOMYAR: Friend of the angel Hom


HORMAZD: Av. Ahura Mazda. Phl. Ohrmazd, Omniscient Lord of Existence

HORMAZDAD: Created by Ohrmazd

HORMAZDYAR: Friend of Ohrmazd

HOSH: Intelligence

HOSHANG: Knowledge and intelligence; Av. Haoshyangha. name of a Pishdadian klng

HOSHEDAR, AUSHEDAR, USHEDAR: One who increases holiness; name of a future saviour

HOSHEDARMAH, AUSHEDAR-MAH, USHEDARMAH: One who increases reverence; name of another future saviour

HOSHYAR: Clever; name of a learned mobed, disciple of Dastur Azar Kaiwan

HUAFRID: Well-created name of a king and his dynasty who ruled after the Kayanians

HUAFRITA: Well-loved

HUCHITHRA: Having good origin

HUKHSHTHRA: Good ruler

HUSRAV: Of good fame

HUTAN: Well-bodied

HUVASPA: Having good horses

HUZVAK: Good speaker

HVARECHAESHMAN: Having eyes like the sun

HVARECHITHRA: Originated from the sun; Av. name of the second son of Zarathushtra

IRANSHAH: King of Iran. used today for the holiest Fire enthroned at Udvada

ISATVASTRA: Voluntary agriculturist Av. name of eldest son of Zarathushtra

ISHVAT: Desired

IZAD, YAZAD: God; angel. Av. Yazata

IZADYAR: Friend of God

JAHAN: World

JAHANABAD: One who makes the world prosper

JAHANBAX: Bestower of the world; son of hero Framarz

JAHANDAR: Keeper of the world

JAHANGIR: Conqueror of the world

JAHANJUY: Seeker of the world

JAHANMARD: Man of the world

JAHANSHAH: King of the world

JAHANSUZ: Burner of the world; name of hero Barzu's son


JAMASP: Possessor of sturdy horses; name of a minister of King Gushtasp who was the husband of Pouruchisti, youngest daughter of Zarathushtra


JAMSHED: The shining river Jam; Av. Yima Khshaeta, famous Pishdadian king


JAMSHIR: Son of King Khosraw Parviz who ruled for a brief period

JANAFRUZ: One who cheers, kindles life

JANDAL: Name of a wise counsellor of King Faridoon, sent to the court of Yaman

JANGI: Warlike; brave

JAVANMARD: Young man

JAVIDAN: Etemal. perpetual; name of the father of Ardashir, a signatory to the letter of the Zoroastrians of Khorasan to the Parsis, dated 880 A.Y.





KAI, KAY: Royal



KAIKOBAD: Name of founder of Kayanian dynasty; Av. Kavi Kavata friend of royalty

KAMBUJIYA, KABUJIVA: (OP) Gk. Cambyses, the son of Cyrus the Great

KAMDELE: Desire of the heart

KAMRAN: Successful in every undertaking; name of a learned Zoroastrian of Shiraz

KAMUS: Family name of Eshkabus, killed by Rustam with one arrow

KARAN: Active, efficient

KARlMAN: Name of a son of hero Barzu

KAUS, KAVAS: Name of a believer; Av. Kavay; his Farohar is invoked in Farvardin Yasht

KAVANNUSH: Kingly nectar; name of a brother of King Faridoon

Kavasji, or Kavasha

KAVAY: Royal dynasty

KAVEH: The famous smith of Isfahan who defeated the usurper Zohak and established Faridoon on the throne of Iran

KAYAN: Name of the dynasty founded by Kaikobad

KAYANSHAH: King of the Kayanian dynasty.

KAYARAX: Ancestor of King Kay-Khosraw

KAYARMIN: Name of a son of King Kaikobad; Av. Kavi Arshna

KAYGUSHTASP, KAYVISHTASP: The Kayanian King Gushtasp, patron of Zarathushtra; Av. Kavi Vishtaspa

KAYKAUS: Name of son of King Kaikobad; Av. Kavi Usadhan

KAYKHUSRU, KAY-KHOSRAW: Of good fame; name of a Kayanian king

KAYLOHRASP: Father of King Gushtasp; Av. Aurvataspa, swift horsed

KAYNASHNIN: Successor to royalty

KAYOMARS: Mortal life; another form of Gayomard

KAYPASSEN: A son of King Kaikobad; Av. Kavi Pisina

KAYRAS: Name of a son of King Kaikobad

KAYZAD: Born of royalty; of the Kayanian family

KERBAD: An Iranian hero


KERFEGAR: One who recognizes all merit

KERMANSHAH: A hero king

KERSASP: Having lean horses; the celebrated Pishdadian hero

KESHWAD: Son of Karan; name of a general of King Minochehr

KEVAN: Saturn


KHARAD: Wisdom; Av. Khratu; Pahl. Khrat; Pers. Khirad


KHAVAR: Creator of all favors


KHOJASTEH: Auspicious

KHORDAD: Created by glory or grace

KHOREHOMAND: Surrounded by a halo, possessing grace

KHORRAM: Delightful, happy

KHORUSHASP: Having pleasant horses

KHOSRAV, KHUSRU: Of good fame; Av. Husrava; king; (compare 'Caesar', 'Czar')

KHUBCHEHR: Having a fine face

KHUBRUY: With a good face

KHUBYAR: Having a good friend

KHUDABANDEH: Servant of God

KHUDABAX: Gift from God

KHUDADAD: Created by God


KHUDAMORAD: Desire of God

KHUDAPARASHT: God's devotee

KHUDARAM: Joy of God

KHUDAVAND: King of the Universe


KHUDAYAD: Memory of God

KHUDAYAR: Friend of God

KHUFIRUZ: With good victory

KHURDAD: Perfection; Name of an Archangel, Av. Haurvatat; name of the sixth day and the third month

KHURSAND: Contented, happy

KHURSHID, KHWARSHED: Sun, Av. Hvare Khshaeta, 'shining sun'

KHURSHIDCHEHR: With a face like the sun; name of Zarathushtra's son; Av. Hvarechithra

KHUSHCHEHR: Having pleasing features

KHUSHMANISH: Having a good heart

KHUSHMASTA: Extremely joyous

KHUSHNAVAZ: Sweet comforter

KHUSHROD: Pleasant river

KOBAD: Name of father of Khusru the Just

KURUSH: (OP) Far sighted; Cun. name of Achaemenian King, Gk. Cyrus the Great



Limji, Limjibhai*

LOHRASP: Father of King Gushtasp; Av. Aurvataspa, 'having swift horses'

MAHBURZIN: Exalted moon

MAHDAT: Created by the moon

MAHMEHER: The moon and the sun; the month of Mihr

MAHNAHID: The moon and Saturn

MAHRASPAND: Holy Word; name of an angel; name of the 29th day of the month

MAHRUY: Moon faced

MAHVANDAD: Having reached the moon; name of a commentator on the Pahlavi Vendidad

MAHVIR: Moon hero

MAHYAR: One whose friend is the moon

Manakji, Manaksha*

Mancherji, or Manchersha

MANUSH: Intelligence

MANUSHKHUNARF, MANUSHKHURNER: 'Hero of the heavenly sun'; an ancestor of Zarathushtra; name of the father of the Pishdadian King Minochehr

MARDAN, MARDANSHAH: King of men: name of a nephew and son-in-law of Darius I

MARDBUD: Chief amongst men


MARZBAN: Governor of the frontier; margrave

MEDIOMAH: Middle of the month; cousin and first disciple of Zarathushtra: Av. Maidyoi maongha

MEHBAZU: Arm of the angel Mihr

MEHBUD: Chief of a country; name of a trusted relative of King Kobad

MEHER, MIHR: Av. Mithra, the sun; love, friendship; pact, contract, bond; name of an angel; name of the 16th day and seventh month

MEHERAB: Lustre of friendship; name of a king of Kabul who was the father of Rudabeh, mother of Rustam

MEHERABAD: Made prosperous by Mihr; city of Mihr

MEHERAFSHAN: Devoted in love

MEHERAK: Like Mihr; name of a hero, the father-in-law of King Shapur I

MEHERAN: Name of the head of one of the seven illustrious Sassanian families

MEHERASP: 'Friendly horse'; name of a chamberlain of King Xerxes


MEHERBAN, MEHERWAN: Kind, friendly; name of a noted scribe

MEHERBURZIN: Exalted Mihr; name of a son of Farhad

MEHERDAD: Created, given by Mihr; Cun. Mithradata

MEHERNARSEH: Name of the prime minister of King Behram V, also known as Behram Gor

MEHERNOSH: Immortal Mihr

MEHEROJ, MEHERUZ: Day of light and love

MEHERSAN: Looking like Mihr

MEHERYAR: Friend of love

MEHERZAD: Born of the sun



MINOCHEHR: Of spiritual or heavenly appearance; born of a heroic family; name of a Pishdadian king : Av. Manushchithra

MINOO: Spiritual, heavenly, divine

MOHOR: Moon; Av. Mah; name of the 12th day of the month



MURDAD: Immortality; later form of Amardad


NADIR: Excellent

NAMDAR: Keeper of the illustrious name; famed



NAORUZ: New year's day

NAOSHAD: New joy

NAOTAR, NAVDAR, NAVZAR: Younger, newer; one of the three sons of Minochehr; Av. Naotara, Pers. Naozar

NAOZAD: New-born

NARIMAN: Manly minded; Av. Nairemanah; epithet of the hero Kersasp, ancestor of Zal and Rustam

NARIMANZADEH: Born of the family of Nariman

NARSEH: Name of the sons of Shapur and Yazdgerd I


NASHAK, NASHA: Friend of all

NAWAZISH: Gift given by God

NAZBAN: Protector of gracefulness

NEKCHEHR: Having a good disposition, nature, appearance

NEKDEL: Good hearted

NEKMARD: A good man

NERlOSANGH: 'Known amongst men'; name of a famous priest of India who translated into Sanskrit the Avesta and Pahlavi texts in the 12th century; abbreviated to Narseh

NEVAZAR: Intrepid as fire

NIMRUSTAM: Half as mighty as Rustam

NOSHIRWAN: Having an immortal soul; name of the famous Sassanian king

NOSHZAD, NUSHZAD: Born immortal

NOTRIGA: Name of the third brother of Zarathushtra

NUSH: Immortal; elixir; antidote; shortened form of Anosh

NUSHADAR, NUSHAZAR: Fire of life; name of a son of Azar Afruz, son of Mehernosh, son of the hero Aspandyar

NUVED, NIVED: Good news

ORVADASP: Possessing swift horses

PABAND: Secured

PADMANI: The Lord of moderation


PAITIRASPA, PETERASP: Name of Zarathushtra's grandfather

PAKTAN: Having a pure body


PALASH: Name of a king

PARASTAR: Adorer, worshipper; name of a learned Mobed of Patna

PARVANDA: Within everybody

PARWEZ, PARVEZ, PARVIZ, PERWEZ, APARVIZ: Victorious; an epithet of King Khusru II

PASHANGH: Name of King Minochehr's father

PASHIN: Forward, advanced; name of King Kaikobad's son

PEROZ, PEROCH, PIRUZ: Victorious; name of a Sassanian king

PEROZSHAH: Victorious ruler

PESHOTAN: Wisely active, devoted one of the sons of King Gushtasp; Av. Pishishyaothna

Pestanji, or Peshotanji

PIRANGUSHNASP, PIRGUSHNASP: Having old male horses

PISHAN: Predecessors

PISHKAR: Zealous in his duty

PISHKASIR: Head of a profession or guild

PISNANGH: Name of a son of King Kaikobad


PORGAV: Having abundant cattle; name of King Faridoon's ancestor

POURUSHASPA: 'Having grey horses', name of Zartosht's father


PULADVAND: Steel-like

RAHAM: Name of a son of Gudarz or Godrej

RAKHOH: The Independent

RAM: Joyfulness, peace; name of the 21st day of the month

RAMBAX: Bestower of joy

RAMBEHESHT: Joyful heaven

RAMBURZIN: Exalted joy

RAMDIN: Joy of religion

RAMGUSHNASP: Joy in possessing a stallion

RAMIN: Joyful

RAMISHT: Most joyful

RAMYAR: Friend of joyfulness

RANGUSHTAR: Name of the second elder brother of Zarathushtra

RANJISHN: Name of an ancestor of Zarathushtra

RASHID: One who has attained salvation

RASHNA: Justice; name of an angel; name of the 18th day of the month

Rastamji [Rostamji, Rustamji]

Ratanji, or Ratansha

RATUSHTAR: Brother of Zarathushtra

RAYOMAND: Full of glory

REWNIZ: Warrior

ROINTAN, ROYINTAN, RUINTON: Having a body of brass. i.e. invulnerable; an epithet of Aspandyar

ROSHAN: Bright, shining; name of a scholar mentioned in the Pahlavi Vendidad

ROZAFZUN: Prosperous day

ROZBAHAR: Spring day

ROZMEHER: Day of love and light

RUSHAD: One whose soul is joyous, i.e. deceased

RUSTAM: Name of the celebrated hero of Iran; strong and well built; Pahl. Rotastahm; "I am freed". the words spoken by Rustam's mother at his birth, for he was the size of a one-year-old


SAEN: Summit one of the foremost disciples of Zarathushtra

SAFNA: Bringer of prosperity

SAHI: Straight

SALM: Eldest son of Faridoon

SAM, SAHAM, SAHEM, SHAHAM: Name of Kersasp's grandfather; name of Zal's father


SARAFRAZ: Conqueror; one whose head is high

SAROSH, SARUSH, SORUSH: Hearkening, Obedience; Av. Sraosha: name of an angel; name of the 17th day of the month

SAROSHYAR: Friend to Sraosha/Obedience

SARVAR: Sovereign prince lord

SARVAZAD: Noble like a cypress

SARVIN: Tall like a cypress

SASAN: Name of the grandfather of King Ardashir Babakan


SHAH: King

SHAHAK: A princeling

SHAHAN: Belonging to a king

SHAHBAHRAM: Victorious king

SHAHDAN: Royal gift


SHAHFIRUZ: Victorious king

SHAHJAHAN: King of the world

SHAHMARD: Royal person

SHAHMARDAN: Of the family of Shahmard

SHAHPUR, SHAPUR: Son of a king

SHAHREN: Belonging to the realm

SHAHREVAR, SHAHREWAR: Divine power; best rule; the third Amahraspand (archangel); name of the fourth day and sixth month

SHAHROKH, SHARUKH: Having a royal face

SHAHRUD: Royal river

SHAHRYAR: Sovereign, ruler, lord

SHAHRZAD: Prince of the realm

SHAHVIR: Royal hero

SHAHZAD: Of royal birth; prince


SHEHERAZAD: Independent, free

SHEHERBARAZ: Exalted person of the realm; name of a general of King Khusru Parviz

SHERFIRUZ: Victorious lion

SHERGIR: One who holds the lion


SHERSHAH: King of lions

SHIDASP: Possessing shining horses; name of the son of Tur, son of King Jamshed

SHIDUSH: Shining shoulder; name of the son of Gudarz; a disciple of Azar Kaevan

SHIRMARD: Lion-like man

SHIRUY: Lion-faced; son of King Khusru Parviz

SHIRVANSHAH: 'Lion-like'; name of the kings of the Shirvan dynasty

SHIRZAD: Born of a lion

SIAVAKHSH, SIAVAKHSHAN, SIAVAX, SIAVUSH: 'One who possesses black-stallions'; name of the great-grandson of King Kaykavus and father of Kay-Khosraw; Av. Syavarshana

SMARDIS, SMERDIS: Exalted; Bardiya in the Cun. inscriptions

SOHRAB, SOHRKHAB: Having glowing features; illustrious; name of the son of Rustam


SPENTODAD: Created by the holy spirit; Av. Spento data

SPITAMAN: White, pure; name of Zarathushtra's ancestor of the family of Spitama

SPITYUR: One who possesses white lambs; name of a brother of King Jamshed; Av. Spityura

SRIROXNA: Having beautiful oxen

STIVANT: Steadiness, security


SURIN: War-like, brave; name of a warrior family of ancient Iran; Pahl. Suren

SUROYAZAT: Valiant angel

SYAMAK: Name of a son of Gayomard

TAHM: Brave, valiant

TAHMASP, TUMASP: Having strong horses

TAHMTAN: Strong-bodied

TAHMURAS: A strong body; Av. Takma Urupa; name of the second Pishdadian king; son of King Hooshang

TAJ: Crown

TAKHMASPADA: One who has an army of heroes; name of a general of Darius I

TAMUR: Name of a son of the hero Barzu; shortened form of Tahmuras

TARONISH: Enemy of all evi


THRITAK: 'Third'; Avestan name of Kersasp's father, so called as he was the third son; Av. Thrita, Pahl. Saret. Pers. Asrat

TIGRAN: 'Shooting an arrow'; name of two Ashkenian kings of Armenia

TIR: Arrow; the planet Mercury

TIRANDAZ: Thrower of arrows, archer

TIRDAD: Created by Tir; name of Ashkenian kings

TISHTAR, TESHTAR: 'Sirius'; Av. Tishtrya; name of an angel; name of the 13th day and fourth month

TIZ: Sharp; quick

TIZASP: Having swift horses

TIZRAV: Quick moving

TIZYARSHTI: Holding a piercing spear; name of King Gushtasp's brother

TOKHARE: Belonging to the country of Tokhar; name of one of the sons of the hero Framarz

TUS: Contented, satisfied; name of a heroic son of the Pishdadian King Naozar


UPAMANA: High minded; name of an angel

URVAKHSHA: Joyful, cheerful; brother of the hero Kersasp

URVATATNARA: Man of perfection; second son of Zarathushtra

USHAH: Dawn; morning light

USHEDAR: One who increases holiness; name of a future saviour

USHEDARMAH: One who increases reverence; name of another future saviour

VALAKHSH, VALASH, BALASH, PALASH: Names of Ashkanian kings

VANITAR: Conqueror

VARAZDAD: Giver of boars

VARDANIS: Of a brave family

VARUN: Worthy of the faith reposed in Him

VASNA: Omnipresent

VASPAN: One who reaches the entire creation

VASPAR: Beneficient Lord

VEER: Hero

VEHMARD: A good man; Pers. Behmard

VIFRANAVAZ: Wise boatman; name of one who was flown into space in the form of a bird, lost his way and prayed to Ardvisura who safely returned him to earth

VISHNASP: Possessing a stallion; Av. Gushnasp

VISHTASPA: 'Having ready horses', Avestan form of Gushtasp, Kayanian patron-king of Zarathushtra

VISPANFRIA: Beloved of all

VOHUPERES: Good inquirer

VOHU-USHTRA: Having good camels

VOURUNEMANGHA: Of wide homage

WEHAFRID: Well created; later form is Behafrid

WEHSHAPUR: Good prince

WEHZAN: Well born; older form of Bezan

YADGAR: A memento, remembrance

YAKDAST: One hand; name of a celebrated one-handed Turanian warrior who fought with Rustam


YAZAD, YAZD: Angel; worshipful; Av. Yazata

YAZDANDAD: Created by angels

YAZDANSETAE: Worshipper of angels

YAZDEZAD: Born of an angel

YAZDGERD: Created by angels; names of the Sassanian kings

YAZDYAR, YAZDANYAR: Friend of angels

YIMA: Older form of the river Jam, Jamshed

ZADHORMAZD: Born of Ohrmazd

ZADMEHR: Born of Mihr

ZADSPARAM: Born as sweet as basil; brother of Manushchehr, High-Priest of Pars and Kirman

ZAHAN: World

ZAL: 'Old man'; name of Rustam's father, who had white hair at birth

ZAOSH: Willing

ZAR: Gold

ZARAN: Golden

ZARATHUSHTRA, ZARTOSHT: Possessing yellow camels; Greek Zoroaster meaning golden star

ZARAZDAITI: Relying on, trusting

ZARD: Yellow

ZARIAB: Sea water

ZARIR: Having a golden breast-plate; name of a valiant brother of King Gushtasp

ZARMAN: Old man; old age

ZARMEHER: Exalted love, great friendship; shortened form of Buzargmeher


ZAVAREH: Name of a brother of Rustam

ZINAWAR: Having weapons

ZIRAK: Clever, intelligent, wise



ZUBIN: Helper; Av. Uzava

Names of girls:

ABAN: Waters; name of an angel; name of 10th day and 8th month

ABANDOKHT: Daughter of Aban

ABANHIR: Possessing essence of Aban

ABENAHIR: Water of stream or canal



ANAHITA: Stainless, immaculate; name (or epithet) of an angel (Ardvi Sura Anahita) identified with the sacred Waters (Aban)

ARDVISURA: lit. "mighty Ardvi": Brilliant waters; name of a river in Iran; name of an angel (Ardvi Sura Anahita) identified with the sacred Waters (Aban)

AREDETFREDHI: One having a righteous father; mother of a future savior

ARENAVACHI: Speaking the truth; daughter of King Jamshed

ARGAVAN: Red color

ARMAITI: Humility, devotion, piety; name of an Archangel

ARMINDOKHT: Daughter of a dweller of the garden of Eden

ARNAVAZ: Holy comforter

ARNAZ: Purely graceful

ARTA: Righteous

ARTDOKHT: Righteous daughter

ARYENISH: Of a noble lineage

ARZU: Wish

ASHA: Righteousness, holiness

ASHISHVANGH: Good blessings, sanctity; name of an angel (Av. Ashi Vanghuhi); name of 25th day of month

ATURDOKHT: Daughter of Fire

AVA: (= Aban) Waters; name of an angel; name of 10th day and eighth month



AZADDOKHT: Daughter of a freeman

AZARMIDOKHT: Beloved daughter; a polite girl; name of a Sassanian queen


BAHAR: Spring

BAHMANBANU: Lady with a good mind

BAHMANDOKHT: Good minded maiden; daughter of Bahman

BAKHTAVAR: Fortunate

BANU: Lady


BANUDADHUSH: Lady with justice and intelligence

BANUGUL: Rose-like lady

BANUGUSHNASP: Lady who possesses a male horse; name of a brave daughter of Rustam

BANUHUFRIYA: Friendly lady, loving lady

BANUHUFRIZ: Well-born lady

BANUHURAM: Lady with joy; name of hero Rustam's wife

BANUHURURISH: Lady shining like the sun

BEHAFRID: Well created

BEHRUZ: Good day

BEHZAD: Well born

BENAFSHA: A violet


BOSTAN: Place of fragrance; garden; name of a book by Sheikh Saadi

CHAMAN: Garden


CHEHERAZAD: Of noble descent

DADHUSH: Born intelligent

DADHUSHFARROKH: Born with auspicious intelligence

DANISH: Wisdom

DEHBANU: Village lady

DELAFRUZ: Kindler of the heart

DELARA: Adorner of heart; beloved

DELARAM: Comfort to heart; lovely woman

DELBAHAR: Heart of the spring season

DELBANU: Lady of heart; loving lady

DELBAR: Loving; sweetheart

DELDAR: Keeper of heart; lover

DELKHUSH: Pleasant; cheerful; opener of heart

DELNAVAZ: Caresser of heart

DELRUBA: Ravishing of heart

DELSHAD: Of happy heart

DEYAZAD: Worshipful creator


DIN: Religion; conscience; name of an angel; name of 24th day

DINAZ: Religious song, music


DINBANU: Lady of faith

DINBANU: Lady of faith

DOGDO: One who milks cows; daughter; Av. Dugedhra, name of Zarathushtra's mother


FAHNIK: Virtuous

FARHANG: Knowledge, learning

FARIDA: Proud, headstrong

FARKHONDA: Happy, fortunate

FARNAZA, FARZANAK: Learned; intelligent


FERANGIZ: Dazzling glory; name of mother of King Kai-Khusrow

FEROZA: Victorious

FEROZBANU: Victorious lady

FEROZBANU: Victorious lady

FRANAK: Glorious; name of King Faridoon's mother

FRANAK: Glorious; name of King Faridoon's mother

FRAWARTI: Guardian Spirit

FRENY: Beloved; name of one of the daughters of Zarathushtra


GANJ: Treasure

GOHAR: Essence; nature; jewel

GOHARAFRID: Created by nature

GORDAFRID: Created as a hero; name of an Iranian heroine who fought against Sohrab

GORDIEH: A woman warrior

GUL: Flower; rose

GULAFRUZ: Dazzling like a flower

GULAFSAN: Rose fable

GULAFSHAN: Dispersing like a flower

GULANDAM: Having the form of a flower; slender, delicate

GULBADAN: Having a body like a rose

GULBAHER: A spring flower


GULBANU: Flower-like lady

GULBARG: A roseleaf

GULCHEHR: Having a countenance like a rose; name of the beloved of Aorang

GULESTAN: Garden of roses; name of book by Sheikh Saadi

GULKHANDAN: Smiling like a flower


GULLALA: The tulip flower

GULNAR: Pomegranate

GULPAEKAR: Rose-faced

GULROXAR: Rose-faced; rosy-cheeked

GULRUKH: Rose-faced; ruddy

GULSHAN: A delightful spot; rose garden

GULSHIRIN: Sweet like a rose: name of daughter of King Yazdgerd who defeated the Arabs for a time

GULZAR: Garden Of flowers


HOMA: Name of an Iranian bird

HOMAI: Well proportioned; name of Kayanian King Bahman's wife

HORMAZBANU: Lady bearing the name of God

HUFRIYA: One who possesses much love

HUTOSH: Well-formed

HUTOXI: Diligent, industrious; name of King Gushtasp's queen

HVOVI: Of the family of Hvov wnich means 'having good animals'; consort of Zarathushtra

IRANBANU: Lady of Iran

IRANDOKHT: Daughter of Iran

JAHANARAY: Adorner of the world



KAIANDOKHT: Daughter of Kayanian family

KAIDOKHT: Daughter of a king; princess

KANIZ: Maiden

KATAYUN: Name of the Queen of King Gushtasp

KATIN: Belonging to the house

KEHERAFRID: Made of chestnut or bay color

KERBANU: A lady of felicity, strength, and power

KESHVAR: Country, region



KHUBCHEHR: Good looking

KHUBRUI: Of fine features

KHURMAND: Possessing glory

KHURSHID: Shining sun; Av. Hvare Khshaeta

KHURSHIDBANU: Lady like the sun

KHUSHCHEHR: Of pleasing face


KHUSHNAMA, KHUSHNAM: Of nice appearance

KHUSHNAWAZ: Pleasingly caressing


LAL: Ruby: red wine: vermillion lips of a lovely woman

LALAGUL: Tulip flower

LALEH: Tulip: the tulip-shaped pestle used in the Yasna ceremony

LILYA: Dark night

MAH: Moon

MAHAFRID: Created great

MAHAFRIN: Blessing of the moon

MAHAZIVER: A lady with golden ornaments

MAHBANU: Moon-like lady

MAHCHEHR: With features like the moon

MAHDOKHT: Daughter of the moon

MAHIN: Like the moon

MAHINBANU: Lady like the moon

MAHKHURSHID: Moon and sun

MAHPAEKAR: Having a face like the moon

MAHPARI: Fairy of the moon

MAHPARVIN: Moon Pleiades

MAHPERVIZ: Excellent like the moon

MAHROKH, MAHRU: Having a face like the moon

MAHTAB: Shining moon

MAHZARIN: Golden moon



MANI: Angelic

MANIZEH: A jewel of a lady; name of wife of Bezan and daughter of Afrasiab

MEHER: The sun; love, kindness, friendship: justice; name of an angel; name of the 16th day and seventh month

MEHERAFRAZ: Exalted by love

MEHERAFRID: Created by love

MEHERAFRIN: Blessings of the sun

MEHERAFRUZ: Kindled by love

MEHERANGIZ: One that creates love


MEHERBANU: Lady of love

MEHERCHEHR: Having features like the sun

MEHERKHODA: Lord of friendship; Grace of God

MEHEROKH: With a face like the sun

MEHERPAEKAR: Of a face like the sun

MEHERSIMIN: Having a silvery form like Mihr




NAHEED: Venus; stainless, immaculate


NARENJ: Orange

NARGES: Narcissus

NAVAZ: One who caresses, soothes; name of a musical instrument


NAVAZESH: Caressing, soothing

NAZAKAT: Elegance, politeness, tenderness

NAZBANU: Graceful lady

NAZCHEHR: Graceful looks

NAZNEEN: Graceful maiden

NAZTAB: Shining grace: epithet applied by Firdousi to Mushknaz

NEKAKHTAR: Of good stars

NEKBAKHT: Of good fortune

NEKCHEHR: Of good appearance

NEKDEL: Of good heart


NILOPAL, NILUFER: Lotus, water-lily

PAESANGNU: A decorated female

PARENDI: An angel of prosperity

PARI: Fairy

PARIBANU: Fairy-girl

PARICHEHR: Fairy-faced

PARIK: Fairy

PARIN: Fairy-like

PARINDOKHT: Daughter of a fairy

PARIZAD: Born of a fairy

PARVANA: A butterfly, a moth

PARVIN: Pleiades; pearls

PARVIZ: Victorious; happy; excellent

PAYENDEH: Permanent


POURUCHISTI: Full of wisdom; name of daughter of Zarathushtra

PURAN: Of red color; successor

PURANDOKHT: Name of a queen, daughter of Puran

PURGAV: Having many cows



RAMBANU: Lady of joy

RAMBEHESHT: Paradise of joy

RASHNA: Rectitude

Ratanbai, Ratubai*

ROBAB: A musical instrument

ROBEAB: Sweeping of waters

ROKHSAR: Bright face

ROSHAN: Bright; shining


ROSHANAK: Bright woman

ROSHNI: Lustre

ROXENDA: Flashing

ROZAFZUN: Prosperous day

ROZBAHAR: Spring day

ROZMEHER: Day of love ard light

RUDABEH: River water, name of wife of Zal

RUHAE: A woman of good fortune


RUX: Day

RUXSHIN: Shining, bright

RUZBEH: Good day


SAMANBAR: Forebearing

SAMANNAZ: Beautiful lily of the val!ey; name of the daughter of Kurang, king of Zabulistan, who married King Jamshed

SAMANRUKH: With a patient face

SANOBER: A name of an evergreen tree like the cypress

SAPINUD: White; name of an Iranian queen

SARAFRAZ: With an exalted head; honored

SAROSH: Obedience; an angel; name of 17th day

SARV: Cypress

SARVAZAD: Noble like a cypress

SAVANGHVACHI: Speaking gainfully; Av. name for a daughter of King Jamshed


SHAHDOKHT: Daughter of a monarch, princess

SHAHI: Royal

SHAHNAVAZ: Caresser of a King

SHAHNAZ: Pride of a King

SHAHRINAZ: Music of the realm

SHAHRU: Having a face like a sovereign

SHAHZAN: Royal spouse: virgin wedded, so named in Parsi marriage benediction


SHAKERBANU: sweet lady

SHAKERNAZ: Delicate as sweet words

SHEHERAZAD: Independant, Free

SHEHERBANU: Lady of the city

SHEHERIVAR [Shahrewar]: Power at will; name of an Archangel; name of fourth day and sixth month

SHEHERNAVAZ: Comfort of the city

SHEHERNAZ: Glory of the City

SHIRBANU: Brave lady

SHIRDOKHT: Brave daughter



SHIRINBANU: Sweet lady

SIMBAR: Having a white complexion

SIMIN: Silvery

SIMINDOKHT: Silvern girl

SIMURG: Mythical bird

SINDOKHT: Name of a female ancestor of Rustam

SPENTA ARMAITI: Beneficient, right mindedness, truthfulness; name of an Archangel


SRUTATFEDHRI: Having a famous father; Av. name of the mother of one of the three saviours of the world

SUDABEH: Having lustrous profit; name of the daughter of King of Hamavaran, and Oueen of King Kaus, the Kayanian



SUSAN: Lily; fir tree; name of a Turanian dancing girl who trapped Iranian heroes


TAJBANU: Lady of the Crown; queen

TANAZ: Having a delicate body

TEHMINA: Strong woman; name of hero Rustam's wife and daughter of King of Samangan

THRITY: Third one; Av. name for one of the daughters of Zarathushtra

TISHTAR: Angel of rain

TOKHMESARV: Having stature like a cypress

TUSHNAMAITY: Contented mind

USHTAVAITY: Having bliss: name of the second Gatha

VAHBIZ: Bestowed by God

VANGHU FREDHI: Of good parentage; name of mother of future saviour

VIRA: Heroine


VIRBANU: Heroic lady

VISPANFRIVA: Beloved of all

YASMIN: Jasmine

YAZDIN: Angelic

YAZDINDOKHT: Angelic daughter

ZAMROD: Jamrud, the river of Jam, a town near Peshawar

ZARIN: Golden

ZARINCHINAR: Golden poplar

ZARMANDOKHT: Daughter of time

ZER: Gold

ZOISH: The invoker; name of Zarathushtra's grand-mother

Irani Zoroastrian names

From Farhang-e Behdinan, by Jamshid Sorush Sorushian, Tehran, 1956.

Names of boys:

aflâtun aflâtun
avadun âbâdun
beeruj beeruz
beezu(d) behzâd
bondoor bondâr
boobak bâbak
borzu borzu
buzarjomer buzarjomer
dinyor dinyâr
dorow dârow
erdeshir erdeshir
espendiyor espendiyâr
fereydun fereydun
geshu gershâsb
giv giv
guda gudarz
gushtu gushtâ
hemovend hemâvand
hormezyor hormezyâr
hurmez hormez
iraj iraj
jemog jemog
jemshir jenshid
jomos jumâs
joongir joongir
jumerd jumerd
kaus kâvus
keekobu keykâvus
loorosb lorâs
marzun marzebun
meer mehr
meerabun meerabun
meerized meerized
meerow meerâb
menucher menucher
mondegor mundegâr
movendu mâvanda
moyor mâyâr
navzar nowzar
numdor numdâr
nush nush
nushiravun nowshiravun
nushog nushug
ozargoshasp âzargoshasp
parhod parhâd
pashuten pashuten
rustem rustem
shaariyor shaariyâr
shaarog shaaro
shopur shâpur
shorox shâârox
siyovaxsh siyâvaxsh
soroob soorâb
sorush sorush
sorushyor sorushyâr
tirando tirendâz
vaamen vaamen
vaarom vaarom
vahmerd behmard
vamiyor vamiyâr
virop veyrâp
xasru xosrow
xdooba xodâba
xdoobenda xodâbande
xdoodo xodâdâd
xdoomrod xodâmorâd
xdooprast xodaperast
xdooyor xodâyâr
xoni xâni
zool zâl
Names of Girls:

arnavoz arnevâz
boonu bânu
dawla dowlat
delbar delbar
deyboonu deybânu
doxmal doxmal
gawhar gooar
golboonu golbânu
golchir golchehr
golrox golrox
homyun homâyun
irunboonu irânbânu
irundoxt irândoxt
kaadoxt kaadoxt
kahin kahin
kahinboonu kahinbânu
katin katin
katoyun katâyun
keshvar keshvar
keyundoxt keyândoxt
laal laal
maadoxt maadoxt
mahin mahin
mahinboonu mahinbânu
manija manija
maxmal maxmal
meerboonu meerbânu
meerengiz meerangiz
moorox mârox
mooxorshid mâhxorshid
morvori morvâri
musti mâsti
nabot nabât
pariboonu paribânu
parvona parvâna
parxonda farxonda
perengis perengis
purundoxt purondoxt
roxshanda roxshenda
rudoba rudâba
sarvar sarvar
shaker shaker
shakerboonu shakerbânu
shirin shirin
shirinboonu shirinbânu
simin simin
sudowba sudâba
taamina tahmina
teerat tehrat
towbanda tâbenda
vowneir ownehir
xarmen xarmen
zarboonu zarbânu

بازدید : 2766امتیاز :3

تدریس خصوصی کیبورد ارگ درشاهین شهر اصفهان

تدریس خصوصی کیبورد  ارگ درشاهین شهر اصفهان
تدریس خصوصی

کیبورد ارگ ازمبتدی تاحرفه ای

آموزش درشاهین شهر اصفهان

همراه: 09130002793

این یک تبلیغ است شماهم میتوانیدتبلیغات خودرابامناسب ترین قیمت ثبت کنید

اطلاعات بیشتر اینجاکلیک کنید

بازدید : 10056امتیاز :3

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